#MirameMuchacha of the Month

#FallintoFitness event featuring #MirameMuchacha of the the month Monte Mader

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Do you know who made your clothes?

This week marks the four year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh.   1138 people were killed and many more were injured on April 24th, 2013.  The building was constructed with substandard materials and in blatant disregard for building codes.  Despite this, factory owners urged workers to continue their duties.  Bangladesh is the world’s second-leading exporter of clothing, trailing only China.  Many people still work under these conditions today.

This tragedy could have been prevented if more ethical working conditions were maintained.  As a brand, we vow never to work with suppliers that subject their workers to these conditions.  Want to learn more about how your swimwear was made?...watch our video as we take you behind the scenes in New York City.

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Mirame hits Norway

Mirame is a New York based brand.  The brand is influenced by multicultural voyages.  After all, New York is a microcasm of the world.

We were so excited to take the collection to Norway, for Fashion Night Out.  Mirame represented sexy one piece swimwear and full coverage bikinis for girls of all sizes.  Metallics are a great choice for your next vacation.

The opening look.

The opening look.

The Glamkini.

The Glamkini.

The Jill One Piece

The Jill One Piece

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Simmering Spring mixtape

Here are some new tunes for your weekend

Take a listen with us!

Spring is here from mirameswim on 8tracks Radio.

Hello, World!

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Mirame X USA Love List Giveaway

One week left to enter the Mirame X USA Love List swimsuit giveaway

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Snowy Day: Vol. III

3 Fun DIY creative projects for the snowy day.

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Snowy Day: Vol. II

Try these 3 great DIY projects today.  They are perfect for keeping your snow day creative and fun.

                                                 1.  Homemade Face MaskI don't know about you, but the cold weather ten…

                                                 1.  Homemade Face Mask

I don't know about you, but the cold weather tends to aggravate my skin.  To reduce redness and irritation, try this mask. The apple cider vinegar helps to stabilize the pH of your skin, while the oatmeal lessens irritation.

-1.5 tablespoons dry instant oatmeal

-2 tablespoons plain, unsweetened yogurt

-1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

-1 teaspoon honey

-Strong-brewed green tea

Blend the first 4 ingredients in a bowl, and add 3 tablespoons hot, strong green tea to the mixture. Stir regularly for a few minutes, adding tea as needed until you’ve created a thick paste. Apply it to your face and let sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe clean gently with a damp cloth. Rinse with cool-to-warm water, but do not use soap, and pat dry gently. Repeat twice a week for best results.  For more mask options, look here.

2. Make A ValentineValentine's Day is around the corner.  Today is the perfect day to whip out those art supplies and make Valentine cards for your loved one.  In the mood for some romance?  Try the poetry of Hafiz for some …

2. Make A Valentine

Valentine's Day is around the corner.  Today is the perfect day to whip out those art supplies and make Valentine cards for your loved one.  In the mood for some romance?  Try the poetry of Hafiz for some literary inspiration.  Below is one of his works.

All the Hemispheres

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out
Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadow and shores and hills.

Open up to the Roof.
Make a new watermark on your excitement
And love.

Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.

Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.

Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of

3.  Plan Your Living Wall Start planning your Spring garden.  There are many plants that you can begin indoors, as well as various options that can remain inside year around. (for the urban dweller).  I am really excited to start my l…

3.  Plan Your Living Wall

Start planning your Spring garden.  There are many plants that you can begin indoors, as well as various options that can remain inside year around. (for the urban dweller).  I am really excited to start my living wall - vital art that enhances any space.

The simplest living wall is a succulent wall garden.  
To create this, you will need a frame, potting soil and succulent clippings. (You can purchase a preassembled frame from a home supply store, or you can create one yourself). Creating one yourself will require a picture frame, a wooden shadow box, planting fabric and potting soil.

After you add your potting soil to your planter, make sure that the wire is accessible. The wire is what will secure the plants in place. To plant the succulents, poke the ends through the wire and push them into the soil. After arranging the plants, let the frame lay flat in a sunny location so that they can take root. This will take anywhere from about 4 to 10 weeks. Once the plants take root, the garden is ready to be displayed on a wall. 

Overwhelmed with where to start?  Buy yourself a starter kit.
*The instruction kit above was sourced from livingwallart.com.

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English Beats, American Feet: Mixtape Vol. 1 2017

Our newest mixtape, English beats, American feet is ready to go.  It takes you from British sounds of the 80s, to modern America, with a stop or two in-between.

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Transition Season...Our newest mixtape has landed

Each month we release a new mixtape with our moods  and inspirations.  As Autumn takes over, we introduce some new tracks that take us inward while still keeping us afloat on the late summer clouds.

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We love summer - obviously.  For the latest addition of the mixtape, we put together a collection of songs to chill to.  Whether you are at a BBQ or cruising with your windows open, these tracks will keep you feeling good.

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#MirameMuchacha Volume 1

Welcome to our new feature, #MirameMuchacha.  Each month we will highlight a woman who you can't help but notice.  She works hards and shines while doing it.  Read below to find out more about our first Muchacha. 

Volume one features Colombian born fashion stylist Lina Bracky.  

Where are you from?

I am from Bogota, Colombia and a proud dual citizen.  I came to the US as a teenager.  I spend most of my time in Greenwich, CT where I reside, and some play time in NYC whenever I can.  As for my vacation time, I love Europe and am working on visiting the countries on my bucket list.  So far I’ve made it to Germany, Spain and UK.


What is your job and what do you love the most about it?

I am a fashion stylist but also act as a creative director in the shoots I produce.  As a stylist I love enjoy the whole process, especially when there is a major transformation involved.  To make someone over from their regular beauty to an enhanced level that displays both their physical and internal qualities is a joy.  When working on photo-shoots, I not only style the model(s), but sometimes also act as the creative director; doing so means coming up with the story line for the shoot – which can be challenging, especially if budget is low, or none (cross-collaboration) – that is when creativity must kick in high gear.  It can be a very stressful process, but good stress if that makes sense.


What do you hope to contribute to the world?

 I hope my work contributes opportunity to the world.  I have worked many times in cross-collaborations, and although that isn’t the long term goal, the goal is to help promote talent.  Photographers, designers, models – (even want to be models who have talent), makeup artist, videographers, etc. they all start somewhere and it can be a long and arduous road, but some have a more difficult time than others and not all achieve success.  

As a freelancer and a startup I know how hard it is to find opportunities.  I have seen so many gifted individuals on the streets of NYC, hoping to collect enough money to buy food, it is heart breaking.  I have many goals in my life, the main one is to affect this world, to leave a very strong and recognizable foot print and to inspire others to do the same.  One of my intentions is to gather the troops if you will, and to help these people find a source where chances can be given to them, so long as they are willing to try hard and passionately.  No one works for free, I don’t,  but when starting up a little investment comes along the way.  

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

 In ten years, I see myself traveling the world alongside my sister who is a designer, learning and adapting ideas from other cultures and interpreting them into our own label and fashion brand.

What is your favorite beach destination?

Ah favorite beach destination – not a fair question.  Currently my favorite is the Hamptons – beautiful clear ocean, but as a former Floridian, I will always say Bal Harbour.  Anytime I visit Florida that is where I go.  Funny to see this question, my bucket list contains a list of countries whose beaches I would like to explore:  Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Maldives, Benidorm, Positano, etc…. ask me again in 10 years :).


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Our mixtape is back!

Monthly Mixtape: Warminup

Warminup is the newest addition of the #Mirame mixtape.

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