Women & Trusting Our Intuition

Our #MeditationMondays series on IG is focused on dismantling cultural norms that have contributed to women feeling badly about their bodies. It is goal to illuminate these ideas so that we can let them go and rebuild. That is why we also love sharing tools and ideas that uplift us. This week we caught up with Tetz Agustin.

Soulprint Mentor Tetz Agustin

Soulprint Mentor Tetz Agustin

Read below for an edited excerpt of our chat:

Tell us your name, and your title.

I am Tetz Agustin, Soulprint Mentor. I am also a writer, soulpreneur, Oracle Deck creator, internationally-certified Enneagram coach, soon to be certified Quantum Human Design Specialist and intuitive strategist.

As a Soulprint Mentor, I work with soul-centered entrepreneurs to make sense of themselves and help them make money that actually makes sense to them.

Our fingerprint uniquely determines who we are physically, I help people discover their soulprint—who they distinctly are deep in your soul.

Photo by Joel Muniz

Photo by Joel Muniz

We’re new to Ennegream - tell us a little more about it, as well as the Oracle Deck.

The Enneagram is a personality pattern typing system that helps us determine why we do what we do. It is a framework by which we can acquire in-depth insight to the Self, providing an open perspective to personal development as something that doesn't box us in but opens the road to self-discovery, greater self-awareness and growth.

One of the other things I personally love about the Enneagram is how it can help identify both our strengths and weaknesses as a people without judgement. No type is better than the other. By understanding that each type has both strengths and weaknesses, we learn compassion for Self and for others.

Working with Enneagrams allows us to become more conscious of behavioral patterns. It helps us identify which patterns serve us, as well as those that do not allow us to take charge of our own lives as active participants. The goal is to become responsible for our own actions because we have the understanding of why we act and react to things.

Photo by Septian Simon

Photo by Septian Simon

The Perspective Glass Oracle Deck is almost an exploration of the human condition through the lens of the Enneagram. So a perspective glass is an early kind of telescope and was a tool used to historically view enlarged images of prints and maps. These oracle cards does the same as it invites the user to take a closer look at their lives, themselves and how they live their lives.

It also encourages us to look at things from different perspectives and to not just limit ourselves to viewing things from our own perspective. 

For those of us who may struggle with self doubt, what would be 3 first steps to changing the mindset?

- You have got to know yourself really well and we’re talking soul deep. That’s when you start building the foundation for self-trust.

- Discover everything you can about yourself, the good the bad and the ugly. Embrace it. Don’t allow for blind spots.

-Once you have that awareness, build a growth map for it and keep working on being better. Not just for you, but also for the people you love.

Photo by Elijah Heitt

Photo by Elijah Heitt

Going into the new year, what would you like to remind us?

-To not enter the new year blindly but with inner wisdom. We’ve learned a lot this year and as we leave 2020 we need to discern what energy, emotions and vibes we need to clear and say goodbye to, and which ones we need to bring into the coming year. We need to believe that we shouldn’t need the excuse of a new year to make whatever change we want to and that there’s really no time like the present to do that.

Let us know if there are any upcoming projects you would like to talk about.  Also, if there is anything you don’t want to talk about, let us know.

- I just started a new Facebook Group called the Soulprint Initiative and we’re having a launch party on Jan 18-20 where I have soulpreneur coaches guest speakers during the Summit so they can check that out. I’d like to invite them to follow me on IG at tetzagustin and to sign up for the Soulprint Initiative Newsletter. And for those interested to purchase the Oracle Deck, there have been a few delays with the printers in the US so it looks like it might be available by January instead but there’s a waitlist on my website at tetzagustin.com that they can sign up for. :)

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